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  • Evan Dale

New plans allow councils to block housing on Greenbelt land

Michael Gove announced plans to increase planning performance, but some measures make it easier for councils to veto greenbelt developments.

Image: Unsplash

The secretary of state for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities announced new plans in efforts to boost planning performance.

This includes naming and shaming local planning authorities who are slow to respond to applications, and publishing "robust league tables".

Local authorities will have three months to put in place plans to meet the housing need in their area.

For those that fail to meet the deadline, it could mean developments forced upon their area and councillors being stripped of their powers to delay applications.

But local authorities will be able to reject development if it would significantly alter the character of an area or have an impact upon the greenbelt, they also don't have to earmark greenfield land for new homes.

Hence, it's being argued the plans make it easier for councils to veto new developments on the greenbelt and relax housing targets.

The cabinet minister denied bowing to pressure from Nimbys and Tory MPs.

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